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We work in the SFBT (Solution Focused Brief Therapy) .

Caring for the good of our clients, in our work we follow the highest ethical standards included in the code of ethics of the Polish Society for Solution Focused Psychotherapy.

Olga Mac

Olga Mac

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Martyna Nowak

Martyna Nowak

Psycholog, seksuolog, psychoterapeuta (w trakcie szkolenia)

Agata Mazur

Agata Mazur

psycholog, terpeuta

Marta Borysiak

Marta Borysiak

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Małgorzata Michaluk

Małgorzata Michaluk

pedagog, coach ADHD

Diana Muller-Siekierska

Diana Muller-Siekierska

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Justyna Frączek

Justyna Frączek

psycholog dziecięcy, pedagog, terapeuta wczesnej interwencji

Joanna Filipowicz-Wdówka

Joanna Filipowicz-Wdówka

psycholog sportu

Paulina Kurek

Paulina Kurek


Gabriela Gamrowska

Gabriela Gamrowska

psycholog, biegły sądowy

Karolina Opałka-Rygalska

Karolina Opałka-Rygalska

psycholog dziecięcy

Karolina Lewandowska

Karolina Lewandowska

Coach, logoterapeuta

Sandra Haus

Sandra Haus

doradca rodzicielstwa

Olga Mac

Olga Mac

I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw in 2006. Since then, I regularly participate - both as a speaker and participant - in various types of courses, trainings and psychological and psychotherapeutic conferences. I also work as a sports psychologist.


I completed 4 years of training in Solution Focused Therapy, which was organized by the Short-Term Therapy Center in Łódź. I completed my clinical internship at the Specialized Psychiatric Health Care Center in Łódź, in day and 24-hour wards. I also regularly participate in training organized by the Denver Center for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy accredited by IASTI (Interniation Alliance for Solution Focused Teaching Institutes). I am a member of the Solution Focus Brief Therapy Association, the European Brief Therapy Association and the Polish Society of Solution-Focused Psychotherapy. I subject my work to regular supervision.

In my therapeutic work, I focus on what changes clients want in their lives and how to implement these changes. I help people who experience severe stress, anxiety or fear, have difficulties in relationships with loved ones, and suffer from mood disorders and depression. I also provide support to families, parents and their children in situations of parenting difficulties. I also work with young people in crisis, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and difficulties in building relationships with peers.

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Olga Mac

Olga Mac

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Marta Borysiak

Marta Borysiak

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Marta Borysiak

I am a master of psychology, I graduated in Applied Psychology at the University of Lodz, as well as the Specialist Study of Counteracting Domestic Violence at the Institute of Health Psychology in Warsaw, receiving a Certificate of Specialist in working with people experiencing violence. I am a certified Solution Focused Therapy therapist as well as a PRIDE Program trainer and a Kid's Skill's practitioner ("I'll give advice" and "I'm proud of you").

Currently, I am continuing training in a 4-year psychotherapy school, adapted to the requirements of the Polish Psychotherapy Council, as well as to the requirements of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy awarded by the European Association for Psychotherapy and the Polish Federation of Psychotherapy.


I regularly raise my own qualifications by taking part in psychological trainings, courses and conferences.

I am a member of the Association for Psychotherapy Concentrated on Solutions and the Association for the Promotion of Health and Psychotherapy.


I help people who experience low mood, severe stress, anxiety and anxiety. I support clients who have difficulties in relationships, struggle with educational difficulties. I work with adults, teenagers and children. Mood disorders are the area of my special interest, as well as the subject of bonds and relationships.

Marta Borysiak

Diana Müller-Siekierska

I graduated in applied psychology at the University of Lodz, doctoral studies in clinical psychology at the Catholic University of Lublin JPII, Study of Psychological Aid and Crisis Intervention at the Institute of Health Psychology in Warsaw and training in cognitive-behavioral therapy organized by the Lower Silesian Center for Psychotherapy in Wrocław.

I am in the course of a 4-year psychotherapeutic training, in the Professional Psychotherapy College at the Center for Short-Term Therapy in Łódź, which is adapted to the requirements of the Polish Psychotherapy Council, as well as to the requirements of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy awarded by the European Association for Psychotherapy and the Polish Federation of Psychotherapy. I am a member of the Polish Society for Solution Focused Psychotherapy.

I gained my professional experience, among others, at the Academic Support Center of the University of Lodz (previously the Office for Disabled People and Addiction Prevention), where since 2007 I have been providing psychological help and support for students of the University of Lodz. I am also an academic teacher, researcher and author of several scientific publications and guides. I systematically raise my psychotherapeutic qualifications by participating in scientific conferences and training. I subject my work to systematic supervision by certified psychotherapists.

I run individual psychotherapy for adults, adolescents and couples, as well as consultations and psychological counseling. I help people who experience problems in relationships, relationships, marriage, family,
have difficulties resulting from disability or chronic disease, experience various types of crises, anxiety, stress, depression or difficulties in achieving their goals.

Privately, I am a wife and mother of two children.

Diana Muller-Siekierska
Diana Muller-Siekierska

Diana Muller-Siekierska

psycholog, psychoterapeuta

Paulina Kurek

Paulina Kurek


Paulina Kurek

I am a graduatein psychology at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, specialty - clinical psychology. In addition, I have completed:

- postgraduate studies obtaining teaching qualifications, 

- first degree of Solution Focused Therapy training

- training "Attachment parenting for professionals"

- fairytale therapy training in working with children

I gained professional experience during an internship at the Provincial Hospital for Nervous and Mentally Ill "Dziekanka" im. Aleksander Piotrowski in Gniezno, working at the Institute of Psychological Analysis and Psychotherapy and the Uwolowanie Foundation and the Local Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights, where I conducted numerous projects, trainings for groups, psychological consultations, gave opinions and diagnosed. Currently I work with children and teenagers as a school psychologist.

Each of us is unique - this phrase always accompanies me in contact with another person. I adapt my methods of work each time to the client, his history, personal situation and needs. I look at everyone with great interest and commitment. I make sure that everyone receives not only professional help, but also a sense of security and understanding.

- I support people who have low self-esteem, who are dominated by pessimistic thinking and worrying
I work with people who are depressed
- I help when there are difficulties in dealing with experienced emotions and stress
- I support people who have problems in their relationships that negatively affect their life together
- I am a help for parents in upbringing problems - when they are accompanied by disorientation, helplessness or uncertainty as to whether the child's behavior, both in relation to the close environment and the peer group, is correct
- I support those who are affected by parental alienation appearing on the occasion of divorces, separation and separation of parents who are an informal couple

I work with adults as well as adolescents and children.

I invite you to face-to-face or online meetings.

Paulina Kurek

Gabriela Gamrowska

I am a graduate of Clinical Psychology at the SWPS University in Warsaw. Currently, I am continuing my training as part of postgraduate studies in the field of forensic psychology. 

I provide psychological assistance and diagnosis (including autism spectrum, ADHD, ODD and personality disorders). 
I have practiced at the CSK UMED in Łódź in the day ward of affective and psychotic disorders for adults, Synapsis Clinic in Warsaw and at the Hospital. M. Kopernika in Lodz in the department of gynecological oncology. 
My special interests are psychotraumatology, psycho-oncology, sexology, addictions, eating disorders, personality disorders and bereavement. He's working
 both with children, adolescents and adults.
The basis of my work is the therapeutic relationship. I am interested in modern approaches to addiction and treatment of schizophrenia. In my work, I focus on the source of the problem and on the client's narrative. Depending on the situation, I use elements from Lowen Body Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and CBT. 
I approach each case with an inquisitive and individual approach, I am open to creative solutions. 
I also run MBSR Mindfulness sessions and workshops on social skills and stress management. 

I am constantly trying to develop and educate myself, I take part in therapeutic workshops and regularly undergo my own therapy.

Gabriela Gamrowska
Gabriela Gamrowska

Gabriela Gamrowska

psycholog, biegły sądowy

Justyna Frączek

Justyna Frączek

psycholog dziecięcy, pedagog, terapeuta wczesnej interwencji

Justyna Frączek

I am a psychologist, educator and early intervention therapist. I gained professional experience among others. in an early development support facility, therapeutic kindergarten, work in a kindergarten, care and education facility, for many years I supported children and young people in a non-governmental organization. I currently work in a mental health clinic for children and adolescents.


In 2014, I graduated in Early Childhood Pedagogy with pre-school education, and in 2017, Psychology at the University of Łódź. In 2023, I obtained the title of early intervention therapist at the Academy of Special Education. Maria Grzegorzewska in Warsaw. This year I started a 4-year School of Child and Youth Psychotherapy in Warsaw.

I systematically improve my qualifications by taking part in training for psychologists and specialists working with children and their families.

I help parents understand their emotions and look at their children's needs, and I provide consultations on parenting issues. I support children and young people struggling with difficulties at every stage of development. My interests also include perinatal psychology. 

Justyna Frączek

Olga Dworczyńska

Jestem psychologiem i terapeutą wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju. Specjalizuję się w wspieraniu dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. By jak najlepiej pomóc i zrozumieć dziecięcy świat systematycznie podnoszę swoje kwalifikacje uczestnicząc w licznych szkoleniach.

Jestem praktykiem programu Kid’s Skill’s “Dam Radę” i “Jestem z Ciebie dumny”. W 2023r. ukończyłam Studium Interwencji Kryzysowej w Dolnośląskim Centrum Psychoterapii oraz I stopień Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach w Centrum TSR.

Obecnie pracuję w jednym z łódzkich przedszkoli specjalistycznych zajmując się terapią dzieci z całościowym zaburzeniem rozwoju (spektrum autyzmu), zaburzeniami mowy i języka (afazja) a także z zespołem nadpobudliwości ruchowej (ADHD). Posiadam odpowiednie kwalifikacje do przeprowadzenia diagnozy funkcjonalnej narzędziem PEP-3. Ponadto ukończyłam „3-modułowy kurs bazowy terapii behawioralnej”.

W swojej pracy skupiam się w dużej mierze nad wspieraniem rozwoju emocjonalnego dzieci oraz pomocy w przezwyciężaniu napotkanych trudności. Towarzyszę również rodzicom w procesie wprowadzania zmian w systemie rodzinnym by oddziaływania jakich dokonują dawały komfort zarówno dziecku jak i całej rodzinie.

Karolina Opałka-Rygalska
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Karolina Opałka-Rygalska

psycholog dziecięcy

Małgorzata Michaluk
Małgorzata Michaluk

Małgorzata Michaluk

pedagog, coach ADHD

Olga Dworczyńska

I am a graduate of psychology at the University of Łódź (specialization: health and clinical psychology), dance and choreography pedagogy at the AHE in Łódź, and sports psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław.


I gained psychological experience at the youth psychiatric ward of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz (on behalf of the JiM Foundation) and  at the Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders of the same hospital, as well as at the Łódź Alzheimer's Association.

I am also an athlete and coach. I have practical experience in conducting numerous workshops and training in areas such as: pole dance, aerial silks, calisthenics, stretching. Since 2014, I have been running a pole dance studio, where I am the main instructor, and for several years I have been preparing my students to take part in competitions.

Sports psychology is my passion and a natural direction of development - psychological knowledge helps me a lot in my coaching work, and knowledge of the challenges faced by players makes it much easier to provide them with psychological help. As a sports psychologist, I conduct both psychological consultations and mental training related to skills related to coping with stress, building self-confidence, preparing a competition routine and coping with failure. I love accompanying people on the way to achieving their goals, supporting them in dealing with difficult situations and observing their growing self-confidence. 

Olga Dworczyńska

I am a fourth-year psychology student at the University of Lodz and a member of a research team investigating the digitization of family life.

I take part in many educational projects organized by the Polish Association of Psychology Students and Graduates. I also work with the Pandora Foundation. I am particularly interested in clinical psychology, sexology, LGBTQ+ rights, neurodiversity and eating disorders.


I work with children and young people every day, and I have experience in working with autistic people. I co-create and conduct psychoeducational workshops for youth and adults. Topics of classes include eating disorders, neuroatypicality and transgenderism. In particular, I want to delve deeper into the topic of ADHD in adults.


At Solutio, I run workshops for schools, I co-create the blog, run social media and organize online workshops.


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Karolina Lewandowska

Coach, logoterapeuta

Karolina Lewandowska

Martyna Nowak

Psycholog, seksuolog, psychoterapeuta (w trakcie szkolenia)

Olga Dworczyńska

Jestem psycholożką, seksuolożką, edukatorką seksualną, trenerką umiejętności społecznych. Ukończyłam psychologię (specjalność: psychologia kliniczna i neuropsychologia) na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie oraz studia z zakresu seksuologii klinicznej na Uniwersytecie SWPS. Uczestniczę również w czteroletnim, certyfikowanym kursie z zakresu psychoterapii poznawczo-behawioralnej w ośrodku rekomendowanym przez PTTPB. Staram się stale poszerzać własną wiedzę i nabywać nowe kompetencje poprzez uczestniczenie w różnych kursach, szkoleniach, pracę własną.

Odbyłam praktyki w Oddziale psychiatrycznym dla młodzieży w SPZOZ w Łodzi, staż w Poradni Seksuologicznej i Patologii Współżycia w Szpitalu Nowowiejskim w Warszawie, wolontariaty w dwóch Domach Pomocy Społecznej, gdzie udzielałam wsparcia osobom starszym, podejmowałąm również liczne oddziaływania profilaktyczne, wsparciowe oraz terapeutyczne w różnorakich projektach oraz inicjatywach. Ukończyłam kurs edukacji seksualnej w Fundacji Nowoczesnej Edukacji SPUNK, będąc częścią projektu "Tak! Dla edukacji seksualnej" mającego na celu promowanie rzetelnej, zgodnej z wiedzą naukową edukacji seksualnej. Poza pracą gabinetową prowadzę warsztaty profilaktyczne z dziećmi i młodzieżą w Fundacji Słonie na Balkonie.

W pracy szczególnie ważne jest dla mnie stworzenie bezpiecznej relacji, zaangażowanie, podążanie za pacjentem, uważność i atmosfera, która sprzyja rozwojowi oraz utworzenia poczucia wiary w siebie i własne możliwości.

Pracuję z pacjentami dorosłymi oraz parami - osobami LGBTQ+, cis- i
transpłciowymi, hetero- i nieheteronormatywnymi. W swojej pracy stawiam na inkluzywność, empatię i dobro osoby/osób uczestniczącej/uczestniczących w sesjach. Udzielam wsparcia, prowadzę diagnostykę osób różnorodnych płciowo, opiniuję w zakresie niezgodności płciowej (transpłciowości). W razie potrzeby wystawiam zaświadczenia dla osób podejmujących się zabiegu wazektomii.

Martyna Nowak

Olga Dworczyńska

I am a fourth-year psychology student at the University of Lodz and a member of a research team investigating the digitization of family life.

I take part in many educational projects organized by the Polish Association of Psychology Students and Graduates. I also work with the Pandora Foundation. I am particularly interested in clinical psychology, sexology, LGBTQ+ rights, neurodiversity and eating disorders.


I work with children and young people every day, and I have experience in working with autistic people. I co-create and conduct psychoeducational workshops for youth and adults. Topics of classes include eating disorders, neuroatypicality and transgenderism. In particular, I want to delve deeper into the topic of ADHD in adults.


At Solutio, I run workshops for schools, I co-create the blog, run social media and organize online workshops.


Sandra Haus

Sandra Haus

doradca rodzicielstwa

Sandra Haus-Jędrzejczak
Joanna Filipowicz-Wdówka
Joanna Filipowicz-Wdówka

Joanna Filipowicz-Wdówka

psycholog sportu

Olga Dworczyńska

I am a graduate of psychology at the University of Łódź (specialization: health and clinical psychology), dance and choreography pedagogy at the AHE in Łódź, and sports psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław.


I gained psychological experience at the youth psychiatric ward of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz (on behalf of the JiM Foundation) and  at the Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders of the same hospital, as well as at the Łódź Alzheimer's Association.

I am also an athlete and coach. I have practical experience in conducting numerous workshops and training in areas such as: pole dance, aerial silks, calisthenics, stretching. Since 2014, I have been running a pole dance studio, where I am the main instructor, and for several years I have been preparing my students to take part in competitions.

Sports psychology is my passion and a natural direction of development - psychological knowledge helps me a lot in my coaching work, and knowledge of the challenges faced by players makes it much easier to provide them with psychological help. As a sports psychologist, I conduct both psychological consultations and mental training related to skills related to coping with stress, building self-confidence, preparing a competition routine and coping with failure. I love accompanying people on the way to achieving their goals, supporting them in dealing with difficult situations and observing their growing self-confidence. 

Agata Mazur

Olga Dworczyńska

I am a fourth-year psychology student at the University of Lodz and a member of a research team investigating the digitization of family life.

I take part in many educational projects organized by the Polish Association of Psychology Students and Graduates. I also work with the Pandora Foundation. I am particularly interested in clinical psychology, sexology, LGBTQ+ rights, neurodiversity and eating disorders.


I work with children and young people every day, and I have experience in working with autistic people. I co-create and conduct psychoeducational workshops for youth and adults. Topics of classes include eating disorders, neuroatypicality and transgenderism. In particular, I want to delve deeper into the topic of ADHD in adults.


At Solutio, I run workshops for schools, I co-create the blog, run social media and organize online workshops.


Agata Mazur

Agata Mazur

psycholog, terpeuta

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